Harnessing the Full Power: GPU Optimization Techniques for Data Science

September 15, 2023


In this piece, we delve into the intricacies of GPU architecture and explore why GPU calculations surpass those of CPUs, especially regarding time efficiency. We'll also journey into techniques to optimize GPUs for Data Science endeavors, supported by practical examples. Ahead, you'll discover four primary strategies we've elaborated on for this purpose.

Understanding GPU Architecture and Workloads

Graphics Processing Units, commonly known as GPUs, are sophisticated pieces of hardware. They are defined by their CUDA cores, intricate memory structures, and a plethora of Streaming Multiprocessors. While Central Processing Units (CPUs) are primarily crafted for a broad range of tasks, GPUs are specifically designed with parallel processing prowess. This unique architecture makes them exceptionally suitable for tasks like deep learning, complex matrix computations, and intricate simulations.

Profiling & Monitoring

To optimize performance, it's imperative to pinpoint potential areas of inefficiency or bottlenecks. A suite of tools, including the likes of NVIDIA Nsight, NVProf, and nvidia-smi, offer invaluable insights into key performance indicators. By keeping an eye on metrics such as GPU utilization rates, intricate memory consumption patterns, and the timings of kernel executions, one can glean where enhancements can be made, ensuring the most efficient use of the GPU's capabilities.


In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the world of data science with a specific focus on harnessing the robust capabilities of GPUs. We'll introduce and expound upon four distinct techniques that can greatly enhance performance and efficiency. These techniques include:

1. Batch Processing: A method that involves processing data in large batches instead of individual units, ensuring smoother and faster computation.

2. Parallelization Using CUDA: This involves spreading out tasks simultaneously across multiple GPU cores, leading to significant speed-ups in data processing and analysis.

3. Memory Management: Proper handling and allocation of GPU memory can drastically improve performance, and we'll discuss strategies to ensure optimal utilization.

4. Optimising Model Architecture: By refining and tweaking the structure of machine learning or deep learning models, one can achieve better results in less time, especially when GPUs are in play.

In addition to introducing these methods, we will also dive deep into practical coding examples for each. This will provide readers with hands-on knowledge and a clearer understanding of how each technique can be implemented effectively.

Batch Processing

In deep learning, it is more efficient to process data in batches rather than individually, because batches can be processed simultaneously and take advantage of parallel computing. This can significantly reduce the amount of time and resources required, and improve the stability and convergence of the training process. Additionally, batch processing can help to smooth out the effects of noise and outliers in the data, which can help to prevent the model from overfitting to the training data.

In the following code example, we will see how batch processing is implemented using tensorflow/keras. In our example we will take a batch size of 32 while training our model.

from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense

At the start, we're importing essential components from TensorFlow's Keras API. The Sequential class facilitates the building of models in a layered sequence, and the Dense layer represents a standard fully connected neural network layer.

import numpy as np

X_train = np.array([[0.1], [0.3], [0.6], [0.9]])
y_train = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1])  # 0 if number <= 0.5 else 1

Here, we're defining a simple training dataset. The input X_train contains four samples of numbers, and the corresponding y_train provides labels indicating if the number is greater than 0.5 or not.

model = Sequential([
    Dense(128, activation='relu', input_dim=X_train.shape[1]),
    Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')

In this segment, the neural network's architecture is established. The model begins with a Dense layer comprising 128 neurons, utilizing the ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) activation function. The subsequent Dense layer has a single neuron and uses the sigmoid activation function, suggesting a binary classification structure.

model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])

At this juncture, the model is being set up for the training phase. The compile method determines the optimizer, loss function, and the metrics to be monitored. We've opted for the 'adam' optimizer, known for its efficacy in deep learning assignments. The loss function, 'binary_crossentropy', aligns with the binary classification task, and 'accuracy' will allow us to monitor the model's performance during its training.

model.fit(X_train, y_train, batch_size=32, epochs=10)

The fit method is triggered here, initiating the model's training using the provided dataset. With a batch size of 32 and the dataset's size, it means the entire dataset will be processed in a single batch. The model will train over this data for 10 iterations (or epochs), refining its weights and biases to minimize the loss and increase accuracy.

Additional Notes:

  • Simplicity of the Dataset: The training dataset provided is a simple and small one. In real-world applications, datasets will typically have more complex and high-dimensional data, possibly requiring more layers or more advanced architectures in the neural network.
  • Batch Size: The chosen batch size (32) is greater than the number of samples in the dataset (4). While this isn't an issue given our small dataset, in larger datasets, the batch size would determine how many samples are fed into the model at once. A smaller batch size may offer more frequent weight updates but can be noisier, while a larger one may provide smoother updates but consume more memory.
  • No Validation Data: The code does not use validation data, which is typically employed to monitor model performance on unseen data during training. Including validation data helps in strategies like early stopping or in preventing overfitting.

Parallelization with CUDA

Enabling CUDA

import torch

# Check if CUDA is available
if torch.cuda.is_available():
    device = torch.device("cuda")
    print(f"There are {torch.cuda.device_count()} GPU(s) available.")
    print(f"Using the GPU:", torch.cuda.get_device_name(0))
    print("No GPU available, using the CPU instead.")
    device = torch.device("cpu")

Initially, we determine the availability of CUDA using PyTorch's cuda.is_available() function. If CUDA is detected, it indicates the presence of a GPU, allowing us to shift our operations to the GPU for swifter computations, setting the device to "cuda''. However, in the absence of CUDA or a GPU, the operations naturally fall back to being executed on the CPU.

Now let us analyze an example in which we'll use PyTorch to train a simple neural network on the Fashion MNIST dataset. This dataset contains grayscale images of different clothing items. Training a model on this dataset should give a clearer difference between CPU and GPU training times.

# Install PyTorch
!pip install torch torchvision

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
import torchvision
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
import time

# Load Fashion MNIST dataset
transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.5,), (0.5,))])

trainset = torchvision.datasets.FashionMNIST(root='./data', train=True, download=True, transform=transform)
trainloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(trainset, batch_size=100, shuffle=True, num_workers=2)

# Define a simple neural network
class SimpleNN(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(SimpleNN, self).__init__()
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(28*28, 500)
        self.fc2 = nn.Linear(500, 10)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = x.view(-1, 28*28)
        x = torch.relu(self.fc1(x))
        x = self.fc2(x)
        return x

# Training function
def train_model(device):
    model = SimpleNN().to(device)
    criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
    optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.001, momentum=0.9)

    start_time = time.time()
    for epoch in range(5):  # Loop over the dataset multiple times
        for i, data in enumerate(trainloader, 0):
            inputs, labels = data
            inputs, labels = inputs.to(device), labels.to(device)
            optimizer.zero_grad()  # Zero the parameter gradients
            outputs = model(inputs)
            loss = criterion(outputs, labels)
    end_time = time.time()

    return end_time - start_time

# CPU Training
cpu_time = train_model(torch.device('cpu'))
print(f"Time taken on CPU: {cpu_time:.4f} seconds")

# GPU Training (if available)
if torch.cuda.is_available():
    cuda_time = train_model(torch.device('cuda'))
    print(f"Time taken on GPU with CUDA: {cuda_time:.4f} seconds")
    print("CUDA is not available. Please ensure you're using a GPU runtime in Colab.")

We begin by installing the essential libraries. Initially, the code installs both PyTorch and torchvision. The torchvision library is equipped with utilities for image processing and renowned datasets, complementing PyTorch perfectly. After installing these libraries, we proceed to import the requisite modules from them.

The code can be broken down into four primary sections:

1. Data Preprocessing: In this step, we establish a transform to prepare our data. The function `transforms.ToTensor()` transforms images into PTorch tensors, and `transforms.Normalize()` standardizes the pixel values. Following this, we download and load the Fashion MNIST dataset. The trainloader is utilized to efficiently retrieve data batches.

2. Training Function: While this article does not delve into the specifics of the training function, in essence, it oversees training the neural network model on a designated device, be it CPU or CUDA/GPU. This function also yields the total training duration.

# Training functiondef 

3. Model Training on CPU: This section showcases the following code snippet, which invokes the `train_model()` function to train the model using the CPU. Subsequently, the training duration is printed.


# CPU Training
cpu_time = train_model(torch.device('cpu'))
print(f"Time taken on CPU: {cpu_time:.4f} seconds")

4. Model Training on GPU: Here, the code verifies if CUDA (indicating the presence of a usable GPU) is accessible. If so, it triggers the `train_model()` function to conduct training on the GPU, printing the elapsed time. Otherwise, it displays a message confirming the absence of CUDA.

# GPU Training (if available)
if torch.cuda.is_available():
    print("CUDA is not available. Please ensure you're using a GPU runtime in Colab.")

To sum up, the primary objective of this code is to illustrate the temporal disparity between training a neural network using a CPU versus a GPU. This is achieved by evaluating and juxtaposing the training durations on both platforms.

Now, turning our attention to the results, we can see a clear difference between the CPU and GPU with CUDA performance. The data illustrates that the CPU completed the task in roughly 70.54 seconds, in contrast to the GPU with CUDA which took about 62.63 seconds. This equates to an approximate 11.2% computational speed increase when leveraging the GPU with CUDA. Though there's a noticeable improvement with the GPU, the distinction isn't as significant as one might anticipate for certain deep learning operations. Possible reasons for this narrower margin might include overheads from transferring data to the GPU or the intricacies of the task itself. However, the findings highlight the advantages of using CUDA-equipped GPUs, especially when handling more complex computations.


Time taken on CPU: 70.5448 seconds
Time taken on GPU with CUDA: 62.6331 seconds

CUDA taps into the extensive parallel processing strengths of GPUs, facilitating quicker calculations crucial for training neural networks. Utilizing the myriad of cores available in a GPU, CUDA distributes tasks such as matrix operations more efficiently than conventional CPUs. Coupled with fine-tuned libraries like cuDNN, CUDA ensures that deep learning operations run seamlessly. This blend of unparalleled parallel execution and tailored enhancements explains why using CUDA on a GPU outpaces traditional CPU-based training.

Memory Management

Keras Image DataGenerator

Effective memory management can be realized by the following methods:

  • Opt for smaller batch sizes: While this minimizes memory usage, it could result in less consistent gradient updates.
  • Employ data generators for batch-wise data loading: This approach prevents the entire dataset from being loaded into memory simultaneously.

By using data generators, large datasets can be processed without the need for extensive memory. Only batches of data are loaded, significantly reducing memory requirements.

Code Example (Using Keras ImageDataGenerator):

from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator

We import the ImageDataGenerator module which allows on-the-fly data augmentation and feeding data in batches without loading the entire dataset into memory.

datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255)

An instance of ImageDataGenerator is initialized with an argument to rescale image pixels between 0 and 1.

train_generator = datagen.flow_from_directory(
    target_size=(150, 150),

Here, we specify the directory from which to fetch images, the target size for resizing images, the batch size, and the class mode.

model.fit(train_generator, steps_per_epoch=50, epochs=10)

The model is trained using the data generator. This means only batches of the dataset will be loaded into memory, which is useful for large datasets.

Additional Notes:

  • Boilerplate Code: The presented code snippet is primarily a boilerplate example meant to illustrate the structure and methodology. It's not a standalone runnable program but a template to guide your own implementations.
  • Prerequisites: To run this code, ensure you have TensorFlow installed in your environment. Also, replace the 'data/train' directory with the path to your own dataset.
  • Dataset Assumptions: In the code, I've assumed that the dataset is organized in a specific structure where each sub-directory in 'data/train' represents a class. This is a common directory structure for image datasets, with each sub-directory named after its class, containing respective images.
  • Model Definition: Before running the model.fit function, you'll need to define and compile your model architecture. The provided code assumes you already have a model object ready for training.
  • Adaptability: One of the beauties of this code is its adaptability. While I've specified certain parameters like target_size=(150, 150) or batch_size=32, you can (and should) tweak these based on your dataset and requirements.
  • Execution Guide: To make this code runnable:
  1. Define your model.
  2. Ensure you have the necessary directory structure for your images.
  3. Adjust parameters as needed.
  4. Execute the script in a Python environment with TensorFlow installed.
  • Enhancements: Once you're familiar with the basic structure, I encourage you to explore more advanced features of ImageDataGenerator for data augmentation like rotations, zooming, and horizontal flips to improve your model's robustness.

Mixed Precision Training

Mixed Precision Training reduces the precision of numbers, leading to speedups and reduced memory usage. Traditional neural network training uses single precision (or float32) arithmetic. Mixed precision training, as the name suggests, combines the use of both 16-bit (float16) and 32-bit (float32) floating-point types to perform neural network operations.

Code Example (Using TensorFlow's mixed precision):

from tensorflow.keras.mixed_precision import set_global_policy, global_policy

We import necessary modules for mixed precision training, which uses both 16-bit and 32-bit floating-point types to speed up training and reduce memory usage.


We set a policy to use mixed precision. The 'mixed_float16' policy uses float16 for the neural network's computations and float32 for output-related operations to maintain precision.

Now, let's delve into the benefits of Mixed Precision Training for data scientists. This technique aids professionals in the following ways:

  • Speed: Using float16 reduces the amount of memory bandwidth required, leading to faster computations. This is especially beneficial on modern GPUs that are designed to handle float16 computations more efficiently.
  • Memory Savings: Float16 variables use half the memory compared to float32. This means that models and batch sizes that couldn't fit into the GPU memory previously might fit with mixed precision.
  • Maintaining Precision: By using float32 for certain operations, especially the ones related to outputs and updates, the method ensures that there's no significant loss in the model's training accuracy.

In summary, mixed precision training, as implemented in the provided code, optimizes GPU utilization by accelerating training and reducing memory requirements, while also ensuring that the model remains accurate and stable during its training process.

Optimising Model Architecture

In this section, we will explore four effective tactics to optimally utilize GPUs. Let's delve deeper into each of these strategies. These are outlined as follows-

Minimizing the Model's Complexity

There's the concept of simplifying or minimizing a model's complexity. By streamlining neural networks, we can often achieve quicker training times without significantly compromising accuracy. 

Implementing Transfer Learning

There's another promising avenue of transfer learning, where pre-trained models are leveraged to hasten the learning process. Instead of starting from scratch, models benefit from the knowledge acquired from previously solved tasks, thereby ensuring efficiency. 

Code Example: Transfer Learning

from tensorflow.keras.applications import VGG16
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, GlobalAveragePooling2D

base_model = VGG16(weights='imagenet', include_top=False)

Here, we are importing a pre-trained VGG16 model, a widely used convolutional neural network model designed for image classification. The weights='imagenet' argument means the model has been trained on the ImageNet dataset. The include_top=False argument means we are not including the fully connected layers at the top of the network, giving us the flexibility to add our own.

x = base_model.output
x = GlobalAveragePooling2D()(x)
x = Dense(1024, activation='relu')(x)
num_classes = 10  # or whatever the correct number is for your dataset
predictions = Dense(num_classes, activation='softmax')(x)

model = Model(inputs=base_model.input, outputs=predictions)

Here, we're customizing the model for our specific task. The output from the base model is passed through a global average pooling layer, followed by a dense layer with 1024 neurons. The final dense layer will have as many neurons as there are classes (num_classes) in the problem we are solving. The softmax activation function is used to get probabilities as the output.

for layer in base_model.layers:
    layer.trainable = False

This code freezes the weights of the pre-trained VGG16 model. This means when we train the model on our dataset, only the weights of the layers we added will get updated. Freezing is common when fine-tuning to prevent large gradient updates from ruining the pre-trained weights.

Adopting Model Compression Approaches like Pruning

Finally, the adoption of model compression methods, notably pruning, becomes invaluable. Pruning involves the elimination of certain neurons or connections that contribute minimally, leading to a leaner, faster model without a marked drop in performance. Now let us look at example code snippets demonstrating how to leverage pre-trained models for transfer learning and how to employ pruning to compress a model, both of which optimize GPU utilization and speed up the training process.

Code Example: Pruning (Model Compression Technique)

!pip install tensorflow_model_optimization
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_model_optimization as tfmot
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Input, Flatten
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model

Here, we are installing necessary libraries and importing modules needed such as TensorFlow's model optimization toolkit. The function prune_low_magnitude will apply pruning to the model. Pruning is the process of removing certain weights (or even neurons) that have low importance, based on their magnitude, thereby making the model smaller and faster.

# Generating some random training data
X_train = np.random.random((1000, 28, 28))
y_train = np.random.randint(2, size=(1000, 1))

Here, we are creating random data to simulate the image dataset and corresponding binary labels.

# Define a simple model
input_layer = Input(shape=(28, 28))
x = Flatten()(input_layer)
x = Dense(128, activation='relu')(x)
x = Dense(64, activation='relu')(x)
output_layer = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(x)

model = Model(inputs=input_layer, outputs=output_layer)

In the next cell, we have defined the model's architecture by using Keras’s functional library.

model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])

This line compiles the model, specifying the optimizer, loss function, and metrics we want to track during training.

model = tfmot.sparsity.keras.prune_low_magnitude(model)
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])

‘Prune_low_magnitude’ method is applied to the model which makes it prunable. (tensorflow_model_optimization is installed in the first cell) The model is then recompiled to finalize the pruning changes.

log_dir = './logs'  # Change accordingly
callbacks = [tfmot.sparsity.keras.UpdatePruningStep(), tfmot.sparsity.keras.PruningSummaries(log_dir=log_dir)]

Here, we're setting up logging for the pruning process. The UpdatePruningStep() callback updates the pruning algorithm at each step, and PruningSummaries logs summaries for visualization in tools like TensorBoard.

model.fit(X_train, y_train, batch_size=32, epochs=10, callbacks=callbacks)

Finally, we're training the pruned model on our training data. The callbacks argument ensures that the pruning process is properly updated and logged at each epoch.


Epoch 1/10
32/32 [==============================] - 9s 47ms/step - loss: 0.7258 - accuracy: 0.5060
Epoch 2/10
32/32 [==============================] - 1s 46ms/step - loss: 0.6816 - accuracy: 0.5490
Epoch 3/10
32/32 [==============================] - 1s 45ms/step - loss: 0.6930 - accuracy: 0.5280
Epoch 4/10
32/32 [==============================] - 1s 47ms/step - loss: 0.6678 - accuracy: 0.6000
Epoch 5/10
32/32 [==============================] - 2s 48ms/step - loss: 0.6515 - accuracy: 0.6430
Epoch 6/10
32/32 [==============================] - 2s 70ms/step - loss: 0.6402 - accuracy: 0.6490
Epoch 7/10
32/32 [==============================] - 2s 74ms/step - loss: 0.6148 - accuracy: 0.7200
Epoch 8/10
32/32 [==============================] - 1s 45ms/step - loss: 0.6060 - accuracy: 0.6750
Epoch 9/10
32/32 [==============================] - 1s 46ms/step - loss: 0.5876 - accuracy: 0.7250
Epoch 10/10
32/32 [==============================] - 1s 47ms/step - loss: 0.5519 - accuracy: 0.7580
[keras.src.callbacks.History at 0x7c4540243100]

The above is the output which provides insights into the training progression of the model.

Collectively, these strategies aim to strike a balance between computational efficiency and model effectiveness, ensuring optimal GPU utilization.


Optimizing GPU utilization effectively straddles the realms of both artistry and meticulous science. With the meticulous strategies and techniques that we've presented, data scientists are not merely better equipped, but are empowered to unlock the complete prowess of GPUs. This not only translates to markedly faster and more efficient computations but also has broader implications. By judiciously leveraging the capabilities of GPUs, professionals can achieve significant cost savings, streamline their processes, and potentially pave the way for innovative breakthroughs and paradigm-shifting discoveries in the world of data science and artificial intelligence.


Each of the sections which were discussed above can be expanded further, and more in-depth examples can be provided based on specific use cases or libraries. These examples serve as a starting point to understand and apply these techniques.


Here are some potential references you might find useful for further exploration of the topic:

  1. One course which I would like to suggest for learning the basics of parallel programming is Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with CUDA Python by NVIDIA itself.
  2. Optimize TensorFlow GPU performance with the TensorFlow Profiler

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This is a decorative image for: A Complete Guide To Customer Acquisition For Startups
October 18, 2022

A Complete Guide To Customer Acquisition For Startups

Any business is enlivened by its customers. Therefore, a strategy to constantly bring in new clients is an ongoing requirement. In this regard, having a proper customer acquisition strategy can be of great importance.

So, if you are just starting your business, or planning to expand it, read on to learn more about this concept.

The problem with customer acquisition

As an organization, when working in a diverse and competitive market like India, you need to have a well-defined customer acquisition strategy to attain success. However, this is where most startups struggle. Now, you may have a great product or service, but if you are not in the right place targeting the right demographic, you are not likely to get the results you want.

To resolve this, typically, companies invest, but if that is not channelized properly, it will be futile.

So, the best way out of this dilemma is to have a clear customer acquisition strategy in place.

How can you create the ideal customer acquisition strategy for your business?

  • Define what your goals are

You need to define your goals so that you can meet the revenue expectations you have for the current fiscal year. You need to find a value for the metrics –

  • MRR – Monthly recurring revenue, which tells you all the income that can be generated from all your income channels.
  • CLV – Customer lifetime value tells you how much a customer is willing to spend on your business during your mutual relationship duration.  
  • CAC – Customer acquisition costs, which tells how much your organization needs to spend to acquire customers constantly.
  • Churn rate – It tells you the rate at which customers stop doing business.

All these metrics tell you how well you will be able to grow your business and revenue.

  • Identify your ideal customers

You need to understand who your current customers are and who your target customers are. Once you are aware of your customer base, you can focus your energies in that direction and get the maximum sale of your products or services. You can also understand what your customers require through various analytics and markers and address them to leverage your products/services towards them.

  • Choose your channels for customer acquisition

How will you acquire customers who will eventually tell at what scale and at what rate you need to expand your business? You could market and sell your products on social media channels like Instagram, Facebook and YouTube, or invest in paid marketing like Google Ads. You need to develop a unique strategy for each of these channels. 

  • Communicate with your customers

If you know exactly what your customers have in mind, then you will be able to develop your customer strategy with a clear perspective in mind. You can do it through surveys or customer opinion forms, email contact forms, blog posts and social media posts. After that, you just need to measure the analytics, clearly understand the insights, and improve your strategy accordingly.

Combining these strategies with your long-term business plan will bring results. However, there will be challenges on the way, where you need to adapt as per the requirements to make the most of it. At the same time, introducing new technologies like AI and ML can also solve such issues easily. To learn more about the use of AI and ML and how they are transforming businesses, keep referring to the blog section of E2E Networks.

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This is a decorative image for: Constructing 3D objects through Deep Learning
October 18, 2022

Image-based 3D Object Reconstruction State-of-the-Art and trends in the Deep Learning Era

3D reconstruction is one of the most complex issues of deep learning systems. There have been multiple types of research in this field, and almost everything has been tried on it — computer vision, computer graphics and machine learning, but to no avail. However, that has resulted in CNN or convolutional neural networks foraying into this field, which has yielded some success.

The Main Objective of the 3D Object Reconstruction

Developing this deep learning technology aims to infer the shape of 3D objects from 2D images. So, to conduct the experiment, you need the following:

  • Highly calibrated cameras that take a photograph of the image from various angles.
  • Large training datasets can predict the geometry of the object whose 3D image reconstruction needs to be done. These datasets can be collected from a database of images, or they can be collected and sampled from a video.

By using the apparatus and datasets, you will be able to proceed with the 3D reconstruction from 2D datasets.

State-of-the-art Technology Used by the Datasets for the Reconstruction of 3D Objects

The technology used for this purpose needs to stick to the following parameters:

  • Input

Training with the help of one or multiple RGB images, where the segmentation of the 3D ground truth needs to be done. It could be one image, multiple images or even a video stream.

The testing will also be done on the same parameters, which will also help to create a uniform, cluttered background, or both.

  • Output

The volumetric output will be done in both high and low resolution, and the surface output will be generated through parameterisation, template deformation and point cloud. Moreover, the direct and intermediate outputs will be calculated this way.

  • Network architecture used

The architecture used in training is 3D-VAE-GAN, which has an encoder and a decoder, with TL-Net and conditional GAN. At the same time, the testing architecture is 3D-VAE, which has an encoder and a decoder.

  • Training used

The degree of supervision used in 2D vs 3D supervision, weak supervision along with loss functions have to be included in this system. The training procedure is adversarial training with joint 2D and 3D embeddings. Also, the network architecture is extremely important for the speed and processing quality of the output images.

  • Practical applications and use cases

Volumetric representations and surface representations can do the reconstruction. Powerful computer systems need to be used for reconstruction.

Given below are some of the places where 3D Object Reconstruction Deep Learning Systems are used:

  • 3D reconstruction technology can be used in the Police Department for drawing the faces of criminals whose images have been procured from a crime site where their faces are not completely revealed.
  • It can be used for re-modelling ruins at ancient architectural sites. The rubble or the debris stubs of structures can be used to recreate the entire building structure and get an idea of how it looked in the past.
  • They can be used in plastic surgery where the organs, face, limbs or any other portion of the body has been damaged and needs to be rebuilt.
  • It can be used in airport security, where concealed shapes can be used for guessing whether a person is armed or is carrying explosives or not.
  • It can also help in completing DNA sequences.

So, if you are planning to implement this technology, then you can rent the required infrastructure from E2E Networks and avoid investing in it. And if you plan to learn more about such topics, then keep a tab on the blog section of the website

Reference Links



This is a decorative image for: Comprehensive Guide to Deep Q-Learning for Data Science Enthusiasts
October 18, 2022

A Comprehensive Guide To Deep Q-Learning For Data Science Enthusiasts

For all data science enthusiasts who would love to dig deep, we have composed a write-up about Q-Learning specifically for you all. Deep Q-Learning and Reinforcement learning (RL) are extremely popular these days. These two data science methodologies use Python libraries like TensorFlow 2 and openAI’s Gym environment.

So, read on to know more.

What is Deep Q-Learning?

Deep Q-Learning utilizes the principles of Q-learning, but instead of using the Q-table, it uses the neural network. The algorithm of deep Q-Learning uses the states as input and the optimal Q-value of every action possible as the output. The agent gathers and stores all the previous experiences in the memory of the trained tuple in the following order:

State> Next state> Action> Reward

The neural network training stability increases using a random batch of previous data by using the experience replay. Experience replay also means the previous experiences stocking, and the target network uses it for training and calculation of the Q-network and the predicted Q-Value. This neural network uses openAI Gym, which is provided by taxi-v3 environments.

Now, any understanding of Deep Q-Learning   is incomplete without talking about Reinforcement Learning.

What is Reinforcement Learning?

Reinforcement is a subsection of ML. This part of ML is related to the action in which an environmental agent participates in a reward-based system and uses Reinforcement Learning to maximize the rewards. Reinforcement Learning is a different technique from unsupervised learning or supervised learning because it does not require a supervised input/output pair. The number of corrections is also less, so it is a highly efficient technique.

Now, the understanding of reinforcement learning is incomplete without knowing about Markov Decision Process (MDP). MDP is involved with each state that has been presented in the results of the environment, derived from the state previously there. The information which composes both states is gathered and transferred to the decision process. The task of the chosen agent is to maximize the awards. The MDP optimizes the actions and helps construct the optimal policy.

For developing the MDP, you need to follow the Q-Learning Algorithm, which is an extremely important part of data science and machine learning.

What is Q-Learning Algorithm?

The process of Q-Learning is important for understanding the data from scratch. It involves defining the parameters, choosing the actions from the current state and also choosing the actions from the previous state and then developing a Q-table for maximizing the results or output rewards.

The 4 steps that are involved in Q-Learning:

  1. Initializing parameters – The RL (reinforcement learning) model learns the set of actions that the agent requires in the state, environment and time.
  2. Identifying current state – The model stores the prior records for optimal action definition for maximizing the results. For acting in the present state, the state needs to be identified and perform an action combination for it.
  3. Choosing the optimal action set and gaining the relevant experience – A Q-table is generated from the data with a set of specific states and actions, and the weight of this data is calculated for updating the Q-Table to the following step.
  4. Updating Q-table rewards and next state determination – After the relevant experience is gained and agents start getting environmental records. The reward amplitude helps to present the subsequent step.  

In case the Q-table size is huge, then the generation of the model is a time-consuming process. This situation requires Deep Q-learning.

Hopefully, this write-up has provided an outline of Deep Q-Learning and its related concepts. If you wish to learn more about such topics, then keep a tab on the blog section of the E2E Networks website.

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This is a decorative image for: GAUDI: A Neural Architect for Immersive 3D Scene Generation
October 13, 2022

GAUDI: A Neural Architect for Immersive 3D Scene Generation

The evolution of artificial intelligence in the past decade has been staggering, and now the focus is shifting towards AI and ML systems to understand and generate 3D spaces. As a result, there has been extensive research on manipulating 3D generative models. In this regard, Apple’s AI and ML scientists have developed GAUDI, a method specifically for this job.

An introduction to GAUDI

The GAUDI 3D immersive technique founders named it after the famous architect Antoni Gaudi. This AI model takes the help of a camera pose decoder, which enables it to guess the possible camera angles of a scene. Hence, the decoder then makes it possible to predict the 3D canvas from almost every angle.

What does GAUDI do?

GAUDI can perform multiple functions –

  • The extensions of these generative models have a tremendous effect on ML and computer vision. Pragmatically, such models are highly useful. They are applied in model-based reinforcement learning and planning world models, SLAM is s, or 3D content creation.
  • Generative modelling for 3D objects has been used for generating scenes using graf, pigan, and gsn, which incorporate a GAN (Generative Adversarial Network). The generator codes radiance fields exclusively. Using the 3D space in the scene along with the camera pose generates the 3D image from that point. This point has a density scalar and RGB value for that specific point in 3D space. This can be done from a 2D camera view. It does this by imposing 3D datasets on those 2D shots. It isolates various objects and scenes and combines them to render a new scene altogether.
  • GAUDI also removes GANs pathologies like mode collapse and improved GAN.
  • GAUDI also uses this to train data on a canonical coordinate system. You can compare it by looking at the trajectory of the scenes.

How is GAUDI applied to the content?

The steps of application for GAUDI have been given below:

  • Each trajectory is created, which consists of a sequence of posed images (These images are from a 3D scene) encoded into a latent representation. This representation which has a radiance field or what we refer to as the 3D scene and the camera path is created in a disentangled way. The results are interpreted as free parameters. The problem is optimized by and formulation of a reconstruction objective.
  • This simple training process is then scaled to trajectories, thousands of them creating a large number of views. The model samples the radiance fields totally from the previous distribution that the model has learned.
  • The scenes are thus synthesized by interpolation within the hidden space.
  • The scaling of 3D scenes generates many scenes that contain thousands of images. During training, there is no issue related to canonical orientation or mode collapse.
  • A novel de-noising optimization technique is used to find hidden representations that collaborate in modelling the camera poses and the radiance field to create multiple datasets with state-of-the-art performance in generating 3D scenes by building a setup that uses images and text.

To conclude, GAUDI has more capabilities and can also be used for sampling various images and video datasets. Furthermore, this will make a foray into AR (augmented reality) and VR (virtual reality). With GAUDI in hand, the sky is only the limit in the field of media creation. So, if you enjoy reading about the latest development in the field of AI and ML, then keep a tab on the blog section of the E2E Networks website.

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