What is it?
BitNinja is a multi-layered security system for Linux environments to automatically block cyberattacks at any threat level by using a combination of specific tools, machine learning, and our - community power.
It’s powerful, fast to deploy and easy to use with just a few clicks.
What does it do?
Makes your server secure and gives you peace of mind.
Saves your time and valuable resources by protecting your servers and websites from attacks.
Mitigates ugly DDOS attacks.
Protects from Botnet attacks.
What does it NOT do?
Bitninja does not protect Windows servers
Bitninja does not protect Game servers
Bitninja does not provide 100% DDOS protection. But, running Bitninja on E2E Cloud gives you 100% DDOS protection.
Why it is the best of its kind?
A complete suite of tools and solutions (all best practices in one)
Protected by a cloud-based global defence network
Provides central management of multiple servers
Market-leading solution, first of its kind and Simple to use.
Practical Benefits … $$$?
Drastically reduces server alerts.
Reduces your server load, thus improving its performance.
Increases your server uptime and SLAs.
Increases your customer satisfaction.
Typical Competitors weaknesses
No centralised management
Our typical competitors require far more time and resources to implement, and
especially more to sustain their management in the long term.
They consume significantly more CPU/RAM resources.
No Web Application Firewall, or inferior capabilities (lots of false positives)
No protection against WordPress login attacks.
Who will most likely not benefit strongly from BitNinja Server protection
Game Server providers
Customers with isolated networks (Servers without public IP addresses)
Large enterprises with complex IT security frameworks, and expectations.
How many attacks per month per average customer?
Hackers attack every 39 seconds, on average 2,244 times a day. (University of Maryland).
69% of organizations don’t believe the threats they’re seeing can be blocked by their anti-virus software. (Ponemon Institute).
43% of cyber-attacks target small businesses. Even the biggest hosting providers are not immune to common security vulnerabilities.
In 2019, GoDaddy, one of the world’s biggest domain registrars, experienced a breach that affected 28,000 customers.
Cybersecurity is not optional anymore. It is a must!